Got a strategy? Does it allow you to know what your members are thinking, what they want and how to keep them engaged and excited? Does it ensure members frequently and pridefully invite friends knowing the experience will be consistent, positive and reflective of your member’s good taste.
Windfalls come and go, sometimes quicker than we would like. Does your strategy see into the future? Can it help you see emerging trends? Golf and clubs have gone through four separate life cycles over the past 120 years. In each, most clubs have risen and fallen with the tide. What is the secret for those that always seem to stay on top?
Most general managers will agree the current windfall has been great for membership but a bit difficult in terms of balancing member demand for services with availability and appropriate staffing. Most also agree the key seems to be delivering the “member experience” to the enhancement of the club’s brand and value.
I wonder how many clubs are trying to enhance the member experience based on the limited feedback they receive in the dining room, pro shop, fitness center or member’s lounge? Isn’t this the same 20-25% of members that use the club all the time? What about the other 75%? What every club should have is a simple and reliable system allowing 24/7, two-way, monitored access to member’s feedback. How else can we possibly know about all members needs and how they inevitably change?
Annual surveys are great and quite useful. But using Covid as an example, an annual survey simply could not have offered anything meaningful in the way of knowing ongoing and changing member’s needs or fears. If we want systemic solutions, we simply must use proven systems that get the job done.
For years managers have sought a perfect set of solutions universal to the club industry. While one size clearly does not fit all, the fundamentals are the same. Only with members can a club be successful. We must have members. Members have needs. To be successful we need to stay ahead of member’s needs, always challenging ourselves to mindful of emerging trends, giving members what they need and building a brand that creates value in the process.
The simple and universal truth is, clubs exist because of member growth, retention, usage and satisfaction. We won’t have growth, retention or usage unless we provide satisfaction.
Joining ClubInsights, my industry goals have given way to several systems and processes that can provide all of these things and more. It starts with providing a 24/7 opportunity to listen to all of your members. When we know what it takes to make a member happy, when we know where we need to improve and where we are hitting the high-water mark, we immerse ourselves in opportunities to grow and improve each and every day. Instead of spending valuable time solving problems, the time spent in addressing solutions eventually gets you to that place where appropriate services are provided, expectations are more than met and members become beacons for organic member growth and retention.
This is more than a story. It’s a very real set of systems that employ strategy, member communication and continuous improvement in all areas of your club. It doesn’t take more of your time. It takes less and is more focused and productive. Each system is easy to use, each offers various solutions to growth, retention, usage and member satisfaction. Equally important, each improvement creates value and value creates capital, both with people and cash.
Rather than a high-speed train, our systems are methodical and chronologically sequenced intended to get you, your staff, your leadership team and your members to harmonic market positioning and sustainable high levels of success. Best of all, they work!
Wanted: A few good clubs that want to make life simpler, easier and more beneficial to members and staff. I’d love to share the good news with you if you’re ready. Ten minutes might make your life a whole lot easier…
Rick Coyne 214-679-8496